Tuesday 3 May 2011

Completing all the editing

In todays lesson we completed all of our editing for our horror opening which is called 'The Shadow Stalker'. The opening lasts for 1 minute 54 seconds and me and my partner in the group are very pleased with the overall outcome of the opening.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Garageband: Creating All the audio for the horror opening

Today we decided to add some background music and sound effects to our horror opening. This allowed us to get a real idea about how good the opening was. We added music for the opening titles which were:
-Production company
-Distribution company
-Directed by
-Edited by

We then added background mucsic which we used for the remainder of the film which was a churchyard bell sound effect which tied in very well with the setting of the opening. We then added a sound effect for the build up to and including the stabbing of the victim to build up tension.

After this we added a piece of music to the title at the end which was for the name of the film. We used a footsteps sound effect and a door closing together which i feel worked quite well.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Livetype: Creating a Title for the Film

In todays lesson we created a title for the film by using livetype. We called the film 'The Shadow Stalker'. We based the name of the filmon the fact that the killer toom the exact same path as the victim and therefore is like the victims shadow. We are now considering adding music to this title.

Monday 4 April 2011

Livetype: Creating A Distribution Comapny Title

Today we created a title using livetype for a distribution company name. We chose to use livetype to create this so it looked more professional rather than just using ordinary text in Final Cut Express. We called the distribution company 'Blur Distributions'. We then gave this title screen a background image when played in the opening. We did this by simply saving a photo of a blured face from google and dragging this into the clip.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Returning To Our Film Location

Today we returned to our filming location to re-film a scene of the attacker running away from the victim that he'd just attacked. We had to re-film this because the bushes in the background of the shot were very different in length and these are in some other scenes.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Using Garage band

Today me and my group partner decided to have a go at using the application Garage Band to create a backing track for our horror opening. We played around with this to gain an idea of how it worked what styles of music and diferent instruments worked well together to give a suitable piece of music to go along with out movie.

Monday 28 March 2011

Using LiveType

Today we decided to create a title for our groups production name which we decided would be 'LS Productions'. We used this application instead of just using the text titles in final cut express we did this so we had a wider choice of title styles, effects and colours.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Applying Titles To Our Footage

Today me and my group partner used the text titles in final cut express to add actors & actresses, camera operator, and production team names to our horror opening. We currently have around 50 seconds of footage.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Carrying On With Editing

Today we continued to edit our horror opening. However we realised that we will need to return to our filming location and to film the horror ending again because the bushes in the background are a different length during diferent clips as we filmed at different times.

Monday 21 March 2011

The Editing Process

We continued to edited together the footage we filmed for our 2 minute horror opening. We edited two clips together today and played these over each other by altering the opacity of each clip and we showed the victims walking whilst the villian/attacker was alspo walking.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Continuing With Editing

In todays lesson we continued with our editing of the horror opening and also added some transitions between scenes to make the cutting more effective. The main transition we used was a cross disolve becuase we felt this was the most fluent transition for our particular footage.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Begining The Editing Process

In todays lesson we reviewed our footage and worked on different editing techniques whilst doing this for example when the opening is more exciting or high passed the scenes lengths between cuts should be shorter and and the editing will be quicker. We then began to edit opening few scenes for the horror opening.

Monday 7 March 2011

Uploading Our Film

Today we uploaded all of the footage we had filmed our the past few weeks and this came to about 15 minutes worth of filming. We got the go-ahead to move onto editing for our horror opening.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Re-filming Many of Our Scenes

We returned to film all the scenes which included the bushes and we also filmed extra scenes to give us a wider range to choose from when editing.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Filming for the 3rd time

As we realised we only had 5 minutes of footage we needed to film some extra scenes so we returned to the location of our filming. However when we got their we noticed the bushes had been cut and these were in many of our scenes. This meant that we would need to film all of the scenes which included the bushes again. We began to do this but it started to rain so we will need to go back again.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Uploading The Footage

After uploading our footage from the previous two times we filmed, we realised that we would need to film more as we only had 5 mins 40 seconds worth of footage.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Succesfully Filming Our Horror Opening

We returned to the location of our second horror opening to film our opening again. This time we chose to go on a saturday so we had more time with better light and this also meant the area wasn't as busy. We completed a good amount of scenes and will look over the footage to see if we need to film any more scenes.