Wednesday 20 October 2010

Absent Lesson

My group completed the editing of our preliminary task and converted the film to a quicktime movie and put it on a memory stick

Monday 18 October 2010

From Pitch To Screen

In todays lesson we looked at the three areas of production. These are Pre-production, production and post-production. Pre-production is everything from the initial idea of the movie to getting the production team together and the acting cast arranged. Production is only the filming of the movie and the this must be completed in the quickest time possible to minimise costs such as the location of the filming and the wages of the actors. Post-production is were all the editing of the filming happens and this can take some time to get the film in order and to make the film make sense and flow from scene to scene. Me and my group also started to plan our pitch for a teen horror film which we have to present.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Finalising our Preliminary Task

In todays lesson me and my group finished our preliminary task by editing together the footage we took and checking that it was all correct. We then added titles by adding scrolling text at the begining of the film. We listed who starred in the film and who filmed the footage.

Monday 11 October 2010

Filming Our Preliminary Task

In todays lesson we filmed our preliminary task. Our preliminary task involves two people, one must sit down at a table and wait for the other person to arrive. This person walks down a corridor, opens a dorr and walks through into the room, closes the dorr and then the two people have a short conversation. After filming this we uploaded what we filmed and edited the footage so it made sense and was in the correct order. We used a program called final cut on the mac's.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

The Opening Of Wrong Turn

In todays lesson we looked at the visual and audio conventions of the opening few minutes of the horror film wrong turn. We watched the opening minutes of the film once and wrote down the visual and audio conventions we found then watch the same clip again to find things we missed the first time of watching wrong turn.

The visual features in the opening few minites of wrong turn were, bird's eye view camera shot,  fast camera movements through and over trees, high and low angle camera shots which showed danger, lots of different shots in a quick space of time to make the film seem likes its going at a fast tempo to show danger.

The audio features in the openong few minutes of wrong turn were, sharp noises of weapons grinding together, enhanced sound of footsteps to ensure the viewer heard the danger, close ups and extreme close ups to interest the viewer.

The opening few minutes of wrong turn took place in a remote location. When the audience started to think there was danger there would be a camera shots in the film that suggested they would get away such as the shot of the second rope on the cliff and the car in the remote location. However these were just tricks to the audience and the teenagers didnt get to the car and get away. They keep the audience thinking by dilliberatly not showing the what is after the teenagers so the viewers have their own take on what is going to happen next.

Monday 4 October 2010

The Opening Of Horror Films

In todays lesson we watched the opening 5 minutes of Jeepers Creepers, Jeepers Creepers 2 and Dead Wood. We were looking at what conventions were in each film. We found that all the films had a threatening character or object in them.